Thursday, May 13, 2010

Special People :(

Previous on KenRules mention was made of the amount of time we waste.  Commuting traffic is a time and way that much time is wasted.  I waste between 3 and 5 hours a day commuting from home to my place of employment!  There are many people in the same preidicament as I.  I look around me while inching forward on the 'freeways' and 'highways' I travel on and the sheer volume of cars caught in the same slow moving traffic would support my assertion.  Many of us WASTE TIME in traffic!

Then you get the people whose time is so valuable to them that they will contravene all kinds of road usage laws.  People who feel that they are so speciual that they do not need to comply with and be subject to the rules of the road.  People who are so special that they must be allowed to get to their destination faster than anyone else.
So they come speeding down the emergency lanes of the highways bearing scant regard to the consequenses of their actions, kicking up sand, stones and various other forms of debris that exist behing the yellow line that demarkates the 'no mans land' of the highway!
Why can't they, like most others, submit to the fact that the traffic is intense and slow moving and inch along eventually reahing their destination without jeapodizing the safety of other road users?  Eventual they get to a point in their speedy bypass where they will have to join the main flow again so they will have to push in thereby agravating and exacerbating the problem for everyone else!
In South Africa we have a 'Blue Light Brigade'.  I think it is something our politicians learned from when the US President came with his convoys to South Africa.  As he travelled around there would be a cavalcade of big black Jeeps with tinted windows and blue fashing lights in front, behind and on each side of the Presidential Limosine.  All road users where exepected to make way for the enormous procession so they would pull into the emergency lanes, climb pavements and roll down embankments to get out of the way for this doyen of the civilized world.
Our politicians saw how cool this was and so for the past years we have been subjected to this arogance on our roads as our 'public servants' travel with their 'blue light brigades' from venue to venue.
For behold, though shalt make way for this special person for he art far superior to thee and thou shalt be forced from the road if thou dost not acknowlege how superior he/she is.  Verily verily, I say anto thee (although though canst not hear it but thou art aware of the blue lights that are flashing impaiently) that failure to comply with our demands will result in a punishment that will exceed they wildest expectations for we will with impunity and without fear for the law - for we are above and beyond the law - roll open our electric tinted windows and hold forth our automatic fireams and aim them at the tyres of your vehicle and shoot with anticpation of the diruption danger and damage this will cause to thee and thy family as you travel innocently on the roads that we have provided yet failed to maintain!

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