Friday, May 14, 2010

Satisfaction! Grrrr

Following on from yesterday's blog posting, I had the pleasure of noticing how stupid the 'Blue Light Brigade' can be.
The Blue Light Brigade is a term given to the politicians who travel the roads in big black cars fitted with blue strobe lights and the normal lights have also been modified to flash brightly as well.  The come cruising down the highways and byways of South Africa and expect the drivers that are in their way to take any measures to get out of the way so that they can get to their destination quickly - their time seems to be so much more valuable than the normal citizen's!

Last night, while traveling home along one of the highways between my place of employment and my house, I had covered about half the distance in traffic that was not too heavy.  I was in the inside lane and I noticed a Blue Light car coming up behind me.  I completed passing a large truck and I moved out of the inside lane.  The dearly beloved politician passed me and I moved in behind him again to pass other slower vehicles.

Some distance further on the Blue Light car had disappeared from sight and still had about 20 minutes of travel left.  As I neared the exit from the highway I needed to take I noticed a long stream of cars on the outside lane and I saw that I would be able to get past them before my exit so I proceeded to do so.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that one of the cars in the long queue was the politician!

I carried on past and pulled in front of the queue of cars, end a bit further on took the exit I needed to.  In my rear view mirror I saw that the Blue Light car was waiting in the queue to get into the exit - they were being slowed down by a large truck that was in front of the queue.

I took the exit and entered another highway and completed my trip off that highway without having seen the Blue Light car again.

Which all goes to prove the old adage, "More haste, less speed"!

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