Monday, June 7, 2010

Ag Pleeez Daddie...

At least I am a hit with my family!

After deciding to 'can' my marginal attempts at blogging and at the same time close my Google AdWords account, I have decided to continue with the blogging part.  My children (all adults now) asked why no more updates - after having laughed hysterically at my spelling and my subjects.  When I told them of my decision, the begged me in true SA style saying 'Ag Pleez Daddy, you have to carry on.  We like it!'

So to keep my posterity happy I will continue in spite of feeling that I am plunging into the bottomless pit of meaningless drivel that permeates cyberspace and makes it a hazardous and meaningless trip for those who venture to spend any of their precious time 'surfing' the choppy seas that exist in this borderless realm.

I guess it can be a little like a journal though; something that distant relatives 5 and 6 generations from now can view with the high tech history viewers of their time and think 'Wow, what made that prehistoric old man tick?'

When it comes to journals I am not much use either.  To me a journal is a book - normally black - whose edges are still perfectly straight, sharp and well defined; who pages still cling to each other on the edges excepting for the first few which have been disfigured by some spidery scrawl of handwriting that the author cannot even read.

The best attempt I ever had at keeping a journal was while I was on Mission.  That was only because it formed part of the routine missionaries are supposed to keep.  Even then there were many days that were not accounted for.  Sometimes the days became weeks and the weeks may even have turned to months.  So, I'm not very good at that.

I am very good at snoring.

Neighbours close their windows and hang heavy drapes when I move into an area.  I assist the economy of glaziers and builders as home owners become aware of weaknesses in their properties and seek to rectify them before realizing that the best cure is to seek another quiet suburb!  Estate agents thrive as panic selling sets in and unsuspecting buyers snap up 'bargins' only to realize that they too desire the peaceful quiet suburbs miles away from the source of the tremors.

Well, enough of that useless mish-mash, yaddah, yaddah, blah, blah.
Time to post this into that teeming, boundless pool of binary chaos.

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